Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

The competition will be conducted under the auspices of the ASIANIA Parachute Federation and the National Parachuting Association , FASI ( Federasi Aero Sport Indonesia).

Title of Event:
" 13h Asiania Parachuting Championship and Indonesian Merdeka International Open 2010 ".

Date and Place:
1) Event will take place from 1 July to 10 July 2010
2) Venue of the competition will be at Surakarta-Solo Central Java, near Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

To determine Indonesian Kemerdekaan International Open 2010 champions in:
1) Team and Individual Accuracy (Male and Female).
2) 2 Way Canopy Formation Sequential.
3) 4 Way Formation Skydiving.
4) Boogie Jump.

Judge Conference :
There will be a Technical Conference for Judges on the 29th and 30th June 2010.
All judges must attend.

Aircraft for the Events:
1) CN235 aircraft with an exit speed of 80 knots + or – 5 knots.
2) C-130 Hercules.
3) Cassa 212.
4) Helicopter with an exit speed of 80 knots + or - 5 knots.


1) 13th Asiania Championships :
is open to the representatives from current ASIANIA member countries.
ASIANIA membership requires that the country must be financially current with both ASIANIA and FAI memberships and all invited country that currently not a member of ASIANIA & FAI

2) Indonesian Kemerdekaan International Open 2010 :
is open to representatives from the current ASIANIA member countries and International skydiving communities.

3) “Guests” :
Any team or competitor representing a country that is not a current member of ASIANIA or the FAI may only compete as a “Guest Team” or “Guest Individual” in these events and will not be eligible to receive any official placing, nor will they be eligible to receive any awards or prizes. They will be listed as “Guest” team or Individual on the results.

4) " BOOGIE JUMP " :

Kegiatan Non Lomba ini merupakan rangkaian acara tambahan yang kita sebut Terjun Wisata ( Boogie Jump ) untuk memperkenalkan daerah tujuan wisata di Solo dan sekitarnya :

1. Kraton Mangkunegaran
Istana Kasunanan merupakan daerah wisata sejarah terkenal di Indonesia yang sudah dengan berbagai tradisinya sering dijadikan lokasi rekreasi dan sekaligus penerjunan boogie.

2. Candi Boko Piyungan Yogyakarta, Candi Prambanan, Candi Borobudur Magelang, Pantai Sundak Bantul

3. Air Terjun Tawangmanggu.
Obyek wisata alam pegunungan unggulan yang juga akan dijadikan tempat penerjunan.

4. Waduk Gajahmungkur
Wisata air dan rekreasi serta lokasi olahraga paralayang kelas dunia yang selalu dijadikan obyek penerjunan pada setiap adanya kejuaraan

5. Lokasi lainnya disekitar Solo dan Yogya dan sekitarnya yang dapat dijadikan lokasi penerjunan.

Sekretariat :
Wisma Eka Karma
Lt. 3a, Jalan Kapten Tendean No. 15 (Sebelah Trans TV)
Jakarta Selatan.12790. INDONESIA.
Phone/Fax : +62 21 7919 2823
email :
Website :
Our website is under construcsions.

Contact Person :
1. Rama Roring
2. Resha Sri Harmanto
3. Nafti Louise
4. Dwi Waskito
5. Hendi Sys!/p...?v=info&ref=mf

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